The system is designed for men, women, and children of all ages, shapes and sizes, and is limited only in ones mind as the body is subjected to exhausting, demanding conditions.
The main focus revolves around techniques that are easy, effective and efficient. It is the Official Hand-to-Hand Combat System of the Israeli Defense Forces. Developed for the Israeli military, it is used by civilians and law enforcement agencies worldwide. This realism-based system is designed to teach practical self-defence, ranging widely from regular to worst case scenarios, in the shortest possible span of time.
Learn to defend against common strikes, chokes, grabs and bear hugs, as well as weapons such as guns, knives, sticks and bats. Learn to adjust to different levels of confrontations including shock and surprise attacks, violent encounters and many other situations.
All Active monthly members are eligible for testing. A minimum of 70-80 Level1 and 70-80 Level 2 classes within a 6-12 month training period is a prerequisite for testing eligibility. Level 3, 4 and 5 also require a minimum of 90 or more classes within a 9-16 months training period. On the testing day, a review will be performed by all participants and an evaluation by the testing Instructor(s). *More details and/or restrictions may apply
Krav Maga attempts to simplify fighting and make it more reflexive by introducing only a small number of stances.
Highly emphasized on basic strikes which are useful in almost every situation.
While Krav Maga does use kicks, it focuses on efficient, low-risk kicks. More advanced and risky kicks are taught at high levels, but use of them is discouraged. They are primarily just taught so that practitioners are able to recognize them in case they are facing an opponent with a background in kick-heavy martial arts, such as Taekwondo.
Krav Maga uses all of the tools available, including the head. All uses of the head are covered at the Green Belt level.
Our practitioners are taught to go from defending to attacking as quickly as possible, and most blocking techniques are designed to facilitate this.
Throws are not covered much in Krav Maga, because the system stresses staying off the ground.
While we stress staying off the ground at all costs, it accepts that you may eventually have no choice but to fight there.
In addition to the illustrated techniques, realistic defenses against guns and knifes are an integral part of our training.
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